Evening Talk Can Art Change the World? A talk by Valerie Woodgate starting at 7pm on Wednesday 11th September in the Victory Hall, Balcombe. Exhibition St. Mary’s Church, London Road, Balcombe, (where the late Queen Elizabeth II was a bridesmaid when she was 6 years old) is open for an exhibition on Saturday 14th September, 10am-4pm. Coffee morning and afternoon […]
Please note the revised date of the September meeting: February 20th – Matthew Homewood – ‘Life as a Genealogist’March 19th – AGM followed by an illustrated talk on “Street Lane, Church Lane, and West Hill”April 16th – James Dickinson – ‘King Henry III and the Battle of Lewes’September 24th – Mike Turner – “Gardens: A Very British Passion. Gravetye Manor […]
The Annual General Meeting of the History Society will be held next Tuesday, 19 March 2024 at Hapstead Hall at 19:45 to be followed by a talk on “Street Lane, Church Lane and West Hill.” All are welcome.
At the last meeting Ardingly College student, Victoria Mainard, came along to find out what goes on. She interviewed the speaker and several members of the Society. Victoria has written an article based on her interviews as part of the Young Reporter’s Scheme in conjunction with “This is Local London.” You can read her article here: https://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/23958547.young-reporter-ardingly-lens-history–victoria-mainard/