The following former members of the Committee sadly decided to stand down recently and, in order to show our appreciation of their many years of service, we had a collection at the 2024 AGM. The donations were very generous and we were able to make suitable presentations of gifts. Here are the “thank you” notes we have received with some photos of the gifts:
David Hadden – Former Chairman of the Trustees
May I through you thank the committee for the most generous gift, which we will check out this evening! I am sorry that our various non life threatening, but nevertheless debilitating health issues meant that I felt it necessary to resign before Christmas, particularly as you have now had to replace two far more important people in Roy and Joy.
Roy Tester – Founding member and Former Chairman
Roy was overwhelmed to receive his gift and wishes to pass on his gratitude to the Committee and Members of the Society.

Joy Broughton – Founding member, Former Secretary and Editor of the Newsletter
What a lovely surprise to receive the beautiful crystal vase, with its elegant designed and engraved message, thank you.
It will remain a memory for me of my happy time as the Secretary to the Ardingly History Society, a time I have enjoyed being involved with since its inception in 1999. Also many thanks for the garden voucher which will give me great pleasure to use to enhance my garden.
Another also. Thank you for all the good wishes I received for my speedy recovery after my accident.

Ann Knowles – Former Committee Member
I am overwhelmed and really cannot thank everybody enough. Not only did I receive a wonderful floral bouquet at the last meeting, but yesterday your chairman Mark brought me the really lovely engraved vase that you have all contributed to. My most sincere thanks for this delightful gift.
My very best wishes, long may Ardingly History Society continue in its present healthy condition!

Margaret Page – Former Committee member