As we turn north along the road to Balcombe we come to the little old cottage called Little Naldred. This and the other Naldred across the road in the parish of Cuckfield get their name from the family of Alderet, now also called Naldret. In 1497-8 we find John Alderet holding certain land in the park of Bentley. Alderet in its turn comes the Alder tree by which the original Alderet doubtless lived. We find it in its earlier form in another part of Sussex in 1327 as Robert atte Aldratte. The park of Bentley is now included in the Borde Hill estate. It was disparked centuries ago, but Great and Little Bentley still remain. The park gave its name to the family of Parkes, a member of which is mentioned above. There are references to the family going back to 1373, when John atte Parke and John Brekeparke were summoned for poaching – the latter’s name showing that he was known for his habits in that direction.