Manor of Plumpton Boscage

A considerable portion of the parish of Ardingly belonged to the Manor of Plumpton Boscage, and all, except Beadles and La Serne, which went with Burstye, was held by the owners of Wakehurst as part of their estate for which they paid quit rent. The name takes us back to the early days of our history, as it refers to the custom of sending cattle up into the wooded (Boscage) part of the country in the summer. Plumpton, in the Weald and on the chalk, held lands for this purpose in the forest district, and thus we find parts of this parish belonging to the Manor of Plumpton. Pipstye, Tillinghurst and Bolney Farm were all members of this Manor, which were, and are still, held by the owners of Wakehurst. Manorial customs have died out now, but if we want to find out the history of a place the old Manor Court Books are the first evidences to be consulted.

Place Name Index