The boundary of the parish runs along the old road called Shell Lane, which turns off the modern road almost opposite Edmunds Farm. The Lane gets its name from the Shell Brook, which it crosses, and runs up the other side of the valley, coming out into the Balcombe – Haywards Heath road at Nayland. The condition of Shell Lane is a good example of what most of our roads were like in winter a hundred and fifty years ago. The road to Balcombe by the mill was only made up within the memory of the last generation.
The boundary of the parish turns east at the bridge over the Shell Brook and joins up with the boundary at the Hook previously mentioned. But a correction must be made here of the statement that the boundary follows the brook from the Fulling Mill to the Hook. It follows the edge of the lag or flat ground adjoining the brook, which shows the shrinkage of water which has taken place since the boundary was fixed. In many parts the present course of the brook is far inside the parish boundary.