Peter Leslie – Artist

Peter was born in 1877 in the Marylebone district of London, son of George Dunlop Leslie and Lydia née Fenwick, who were married in 1871. He was the fourth of six children.

He moved to Ardingly some time between 1911 and 1921 according to the censuses of those years and lived at Larkhill, College Road. In 1939 his sister, Lydia is recorded living there also. His father, George, owned Compton House, Lindfield, now a care home, in 1911 and died in 1921. Peter died in 1953.

One of Peter’s paintings is in the possession of our former secretary, Joy Broughton, entitled “Billy” after the goat owned by neighbour Dr Arthur HM Saward, a chairman of the parish council.

“Billy” by Peter Leslie 1930

A note on the rear of the frame reads:

Painting of Dr Arthur HM Saward’s Goat, “Billy.” by Peter Leslie 1930

The back of the frame is inscribed “To my Beloved Wife, Gavine, from her everloving husband, Sunday, October 26th 1930. The Sawards and Peter Leslie lived in College Road, Ardingly, and were friends. Arthur Henry Michael Saward married Ghita Gavine Perryn Edwards on 28th April 1927. He died in June 1960, aged 84. The painting was given to their friends, the Misses Muriel and Kathleen Coutanche, who subsequently gave it to their domestic employee of over 30 years, Ivy Stride around 1980.

Peter’s grandfather was Charles Robert Leslie RA who published a biography of Constable. (Memoirs of the Life of John Constable ed C.R.Leslie 1843, Chapman & Hall, London 1896)

Some of Peter’s other works can be seen on various art and auction sites:

Mutual Art

A biography is available for a subscription fee at the Artist Biographies website.

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